The NYPD launched a new program Neighborhood Policing Plan; a program putting more police presence walking on the streets and outside of their vehicles to establish trust among the community.
In collaboration with The Human Story and Spike Lee BBDO to educate New York about this new program, we created a film from the perspective of children. Casting 4 children from the community and 4 children who parents who are in Law Enforcement in order to illustrate the commonality that all parents want to go home to their families and want what’s best for their children.
**video not released for public use**
Production Company THE HUMAN STORY Client NYPDDirector JONATHON OLLINGER Director of Photography SHABIER KIRCHNER Executive Producer NADIRA DOSSA Creative Producer JESSICA LAW Production Manager NIKIA MOULTERIE
F*!K D@ Police.
Creative Agency SPIKE LEE BBDO Executive Creative Director DABO CHE Associate Creative Director GABRIELLE SHIRDAN Senior Agency Producer TONY HARDING Agency Producer MAUREEN LEWIS